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GP Record Access - Frequently Asked Questions
Where is my confidential medical information held whilst I am viewing
my GP record, and who has access to it?
The information you view on the online system comes from
the clinical system in your GP practice. Portions of this information
are encrypted (this means it is very difficult for someone else to
intercept and read the information) and securely sent from the GP
system to your PC web browser or App.
When you log off from the online system or if a problem occurs with
your computer, for instance a power failure, all your confidential
medical information is cleared from the system. Using the online
system does not allow any extra people to view your GP record,
other than the people who would normally have access to it in the GP practice.
How will other people be prohibited from seeing my GP record? - To view your online EHR you must identify yourself with passwords and PINs that only you know. Unless you reveal this information to someone else you will be the only person able to access your medical record via the online system. If you want to stop your GP Record being shared for reasons other than your direct care, check on our pages on opting out of GP Record sharing.
What if I find an error in my GP record, or if I see someone else’s medical information? If you find any errors or missing information in your GP record you can use the GP Online Consultation system (if your practice has enabled it) to send the practice a message, or alternatively you can tell the receptionist, or discuss it with your GP. If you see someone else’s medical information, you should immediately exit from the system and inform the practice staff.
What should I know about passwords I might use?
• Passwords are all case-sensitive
• Please remember there is a difference between O (letter O) and 0 (zero)
• If you leave passwords lying around then the system is not secure
Should I be concerned about identity theft?
• Address / NHS or National Insurance numbers are given out on screen, please make sure no one is looking over your shoulder, and do not leave PCs or mobile phones unlocked whilst not being used
What if I mess thing up?
• No matter what you do or click you can’t alter the GP record
• You can cancel appointments if you make a mistake
• When you order repeat prescriptions, you are given the opportunity to check what you have requested before submitting it and can leave a message with your request
What if I see a doctor and there is no computer or Wi-Fi in the consulting room?
It can easily happen. If you know you are going to see a doctor then take a printout with you. This could include any of their letters to your GP and any recent test results
What if the doctor I see objects?
• Then be polite and apologise
• You brought them with you to assist the doctor not to antagonise them
Pages on GP Record Access
GP Record Access - Frequently Asked Questions
Video Credits: The videos above were created by Dr Amir Hannan, MBE of Haughton Thornley Medical Centres, with patients from the practice and the patient participation group [PPG], who have all been pioneers of patients using GP Record Access, since 2007.